The Fearless Women Network meets regularly and maintains a listserve (that is never publicly shared) on which regular interaction occurs among members. Through both vehicles, we:
Encourage our members to reach for awards, recognition, and opportunities that raise their profiles in the profession, and assist our members in obtaining them;
Help our members secure top-notch legal positions;
Assist our members in transitioning from positions in which their capabilities are underutilized and undervalued to positions in which their capabilities are both fully utilized and highly valued;
Discuss the challenges women and minorities face in the profession;
Arm each other with tools to negotiate for fair pay;
Share with each other the latest and most significant articles and information relevant to diversity, inclusion, and equality, including about events that may interest members of the group;
Connect members with those who may be able to assist them;
Strategize solutions for members being marginalized;
Brainstorm how to expand the diversity and inclusiveness of the profession, and plan events targeted at effectuating positive change;
Inform our members of news impacting or affecting the Fearless Women Network;
Report on our members' achievements; and
Help our members attain positions on corporate boards and in coveted organizations.